
Continuous slab (es-ES)

The structural frame
The construction (es-ES)
The reinforcement I (es-ES)
The reinforcement II (es-ES)
Quantity/Cost estimation (es-ES)
Detailing drawings (es-ES)
Tomo A´ - Introducción

Materials (es-ES)
To be continued > (es-ES)
Tomo C´ - Introducción

One-way slab connected to a cantilever <project: slabs30>

<project: slabs30>

The behavior and the reinforcement of a one-way slab connected to a cantilever are described below. If the first slab is a two-way slab, both the behavior and the reinforcement rules are proportionate.

The steel fixer’s formwork drawing of a one-way slab connected to a cantilever


Behaviour and reinforcement of an one-way slab connected to a cantilever slab


Coherence reinforcement

Apart from the primary loads there are other most of the times incalculable loads that cause less intense, secondary stresses. These are successfully carried in areas with reinforcement while in all other areas they induce the formation of cracks. These type of stresses, except from concrete’s drying shrinkage, are differential deformations caused by sudden differential loadings, e.g. the placement of building materials upon a part of a slab, but mainly they are deformations caused by earthquake forces. The cracking does not affect the structure’s strength but it arises serviceability and aesthetic issues. The cracking’s control can be achieved by an additional light coherence reinforcement placed at the lower and upper slabs’ surfaces in the areas that remain otherwise unreinforced.

Two continuous one-way slabs connected to a cantilever

<project: slabs40>

In the case of three continuous slabs the third of which is a cantilever, the behavior and the reinforcement have the following form.

The steel fixer’s formwork drawing of two continuous one-way slabs connected to a cantilever

Continuous slabs connected to a cantilever slab
(the deformations are shown at a large scale)