
About us

BuildingHow Team integrates all Earthquake Resistant Building Technologies.

BuildingHow has been dedicated to simplifying and enhancing construction processes globally. We specialize in providing comprehensive resources and solutions tailored to the needs of the construction industry. Our mission is clear: to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by offering expertise in technical documentation, standards, and training materials.

At BuildingHow, we are committed to creating standardized guides and manuals that cover a wide range of construction aspects, including materials, methods, safety protocols, and sustainability practices. These resources serve as vital references for architects, engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders, ensuring clarity and accuracy in project execution. In addition to our documentation efforts, we are pioneers in the field of concrete design and Building Information Modeling (BIM) software. Our concrete design solutions integrate the latest industry standards and best practices, empowering construction professionals to optimize structural designs for efficiency and durability.

Furthermore, we recognize the importance of BIM in modern construction practices. Our BIM software solutions enable collaborative design and project management, facilitating streamlined communication and coordination among project teams. By leveraging BIM technology, we enhance project efficiency, reduce errors, and improve overall construction quality.

Education and professional development are integral to our mission. BuildingHow offers specialized training programs and workshops designed to equip construction professionals with practical skills and knowledge. These initiatives support ongoing professional growth and ensure that industry practitioners remain informed and proficient in their fields.

Membership in Elevate Greece: As members of Elevate Greece, we join a vibrant community dedicated to promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in Greece. This affiliation provides us with access to valuable resources, mentorship opportunities, and networking events that support our business growth locally and internationally.

  • Passing the first stage for funding from the EIC (European Innovation council) Accelerator: The initial stage of the EIC Accelerator funding process validates our project's innovation and market potential. It positions us to receive significant funding, expert guidance, and access to a broad network of investors and partners across Europe, crucial for scaling our business and accelerating our market entry.

  • Strategic collaboration with AWS (Amazon Web Services): Our partnership with AWS enhances our technological capabilities and operational efficiency through their cloud computing services. This collaboration enables us to leverage advanced infrastructure, scalability options, and cutting-edge solutions, empowering us to innovate faster, optimize costs, and deliver enhanced services to our customers globally.



  • Products

    BIM Structural Engineering Applications
    Structural Analysis and Detailing Books
    Vol. A
    Vol. B
    Vol. C


    • Rebar Industry know-how and Market Development
    • Educational material for Universities and Technical Schools
    • Subcontracting projects regarding Structural Design and Detailing

    Contact Us


    3 Eftichidou Str.

    Pagrati, 116 35 Athens

    Tel: +30 210 7569600

    Email: info@buildinghow.com